What does LGBTQIA mean?

L: Lesbian

A lesbian is a woman who loves other women and has sex with other women

G: Gay

Gay is a word for men who love other men and have sex with other men.

Gay is also a word for women who love other women and have sex with other women.

B: Bisexual

A bisexual person is someone who loves both men and women and has sex with other men and women

 T: Transgender

A transgender person is someone who is born a man but feels like a woman and lives as a woman.

A transgender person is someone who is born a woman but feels like a man and lives as a man.

Q: Queer or Questioning

Queer is a word used to describe homosexual people.

I: Intersex

Someone who is intersex is born with mixed up physical parts of their body which show that they are boys or girls and so it is hard to tell if they are boys or girls.

A: Asexual

 Asexual people are  those who do not feel a sexual attraction to others either men or women

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